4 Lethal Pilot Season Mistakes Actors Make (and solutions)

Film, News, Resource/Tips, Television

  Pilot Season… Two simple words send a shiver down the spine of thousands of actors every year… Why does the annual madness known as Pilot Season cause shivers?   I’ll tell you in just a sec… But more importantly… How can you avoid the 4 BIG mistakes those shivers will cause you to make? Don’t […]

Self Tapes: The Actor’s Perfect Self Tape Guide/Tutorial

Bookings, Film, Innovation / Industry Developments, News, Resource/Tips, Television

What is a self-tape? How do I self-tape? When should I self-tape? These and every other question about Self Tapes answered by Kevin L. Walker (Entrepreneur/Actor/Writer/Producer).

The “How to Guide: The Audition” by Backstage

Film, News, Resource/Tips, Television
Here is a good read for actors as they begin their journey. Work experience, acquired knowledge, and training are essential elements in an actor's foundation. Backstage discusses some of the fundamentals on how to approach an audition.   How to: Audition --The Don'ts and a few Dos  • Don't be late. Casting directors are on [...]